Resizable window
You can drag, resize, roll-up/roll-down, minimize/restore and close this window.
.win .win.rolledup .win.minimized .win.hidden .win .wintitle .win .wintitle .icon .win .wintitle .title .win.minimized .wintitle .win.nomove .wintitle .win .btn .win .imgClose .win.minimized .imgClose .win .imgMin .win.minimized .imgMin .win .imgRollup .win.rolledup .imgRollup .win.minimized .imgRollup .win .content .win .statusline .win .statusline .text .win .statusline .winresize .win-overlay .win-overlay::after .win-overlay.hidden .win-overlay .middle .win-overlay .middle .modal .win-overlay .middle .modal .win .win-overlay .middle .modal .win .wintitle
collocateAllWin minimizeAllWin restoreAllWin rollupAllWin expandAllWin minimizeWinID restoreWinID rollupWinID expandWinID closeWinID openWinID moveWinID resizeWinID upWinID downWinID getWinIDElementText setWinIDElementText saveLocation loadLocation
You can drag, resize, roll-up/roll-down, minimize/restore and close this window.
You can't close this window because "Close" button is hidden.
And can't resize because status line is absent.
But You still can to manipulate window via JavaScript.